
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Comparing of Bounds

Dear Reader,

Monday morning I woke up feeling fresh and ready for a walk. I was in a contemplative mood and ready for the fresh air to get my blood pumping. It was like I was ready to hear something from the Lord, but just couldn't make it out laying under the covers. Well, boy was I in for a treat!

I pulled on my sneaks, grabbed the leash and opened the door. Bella, our big Golden, and Minka, our cat, both bounded out the door into the sunshine of the morning. It is Minka's morning routine to go out and gallivant around the yard for an hour or so and then she comes in, eats breakfast and continues to snooze for approximately... oh, the rest of the day. This morning, though, she was about to be the object of my lesson.

I snapped the leash on Bella's collar and she and I climbed our way up the hill of rocks to the little parking lot above our house, which leads to the beginning of a trail on which we stay for the next 45 minutes to an hour or so. We hit the blacktop with both our tails waggin' until I heard "tink, tink, tink, tink." The sound of Minka's bell. I turn around and there is Minka following us. She has quite the attitude, as most Siamese do, and walked right up to me as if she thought she was joining us on our walk. I gave a little chuckle, picked her up and turned to go back to the house only to be abruptly stopped by Bella, who did not find it amusing that our walk had merely begun and we were already turning around for home. After a bit of tugging Bella let up and all three of us bounced down the rock hill to the yard. Minka ran off under the patio and I figured she would be fine. Bella and I again ran up the hill of rocks to the blacktop and began our walk.

"Tink, tink, tink, tink," rang out in the still morning behind us. I turned around to see Minka this time running through the rocks to catch up with us. Behind me Bella gave a "humph!" Again, Minka came right up to me and I bent to pick her up. As I turned back for the house a second time Bella really put on the brakes. She practically sat down on the pavement and looked at me like, "Lady, tug all you want, but this old girl is gonna get her walk today!" At this I just started laughing! I stood in that parking lot and just laughed! Here I was with a cat that was jealous and a dog that was stubborn and me, the chic who just wanted to walk and open herself up to what God wanted to say. I got behind Bella and gave a big push in the direction of home and once again bounced down the hill of rocks and this time put Minka safely inside.

After getting Bella back up the hill of rocks, we were on our way to freedom. Still laughing, I pondered the irony of the morning's events. Then I heard the Lord's voice. Some of us are like my dog. Bella knew what she was meant to do in that moment; she knew the way she was to go and she was ready to do it. Although she was confident of these things she was not the most willing individual when inconvenience ensued. Then some of us are like my cat. Sometimes we compare where we should be with others who do not have the same purpose in life that we do. Minka followed us out of the boundary of the yard, because she was sure she should be with the dog. This was not the truth.

Sometimes our desire to find a model or a formula ends up being the thing that knocks us out of the bounds God has placed for us and we find ourselves in unknown territory. It was a powerful image for me and I have continued to chew on it for the last few days. Being the unmarried, sick of college, homeschooling mom that I am (LOL), I have a few daily temptations to compare myself to others. The thing of it is, there is no comparison for my life or the life of my child. Yes, there are guidelines that are laid out in God's Word that we are to follow and yield to, but no one else has lived my life while bearing the fruit I am expected by God to bring forth. This comical analogy has delivered to me a clear picture. If this next year asks of me new things that I don't have a ready-made template for will I say "yes"? Is my heart prepared for a new road, if that is what should be posed? I hope my heart is soft enough to take whatever leading and guiding the Holy Spirit offers. Lord, make the soil of my heart ready for the season at hand and keep my hands upturned and open to you. Amen.

What about you, Reader?

Things to ponder:

1. Are you more like the dog or the cat in my story?
2. If you are more like the dog, can the Lord's voice pierce through the confidence you have that you are where you need to be? How would you compare confidence and peace?
3. If you are more like the cat, in what ways have you stepped out of bounds from where the Lord has you to be? Jot down the things the Holy Spirit brings to mind and begin to pray that the Lord would provide a plumb line to return to.